Download Weblogic For Mac

Download the Oracle SQL Developer command-line (SQLcl) tool (, and place the zip file (without extracting it!) into current folder. The Dockerfile uses the Weblogic and Database images from Docker Store. No modifications are necessary. The installation of Oracle WebLogic 12.1.3 for 64-bit platforms does not include the 64-bit JDK. Therefore, prior to installing Oracle WebLogic 12.1.3 for 64-bit platforms, you must manually download and install the requisite JDK.

The quick installer is intended for development purposes. It includes all Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Coherence runtime software, but excludes examples and localized WebLogic console help files. The supplemental installer can be used to add examples and localized WebLogic console files to an installation created with the quick installer. Download rstudio 3.4 4 for mac. Oracle Weblogic is one of the most widely used application servers. Recently I have installed it on Mac OS system and created a domain. This article is intended to provide the steps for installation and creating a domain and then starting and stopping domain with Terminal.

This post will walk you through the installation of Oracle Weblogic Application Server 12c on a Mac OSX machine.
First of all, visit the official Oracle Weblogic download page and download the latest generic version. You would need to create a Oracle ID first. Accept the agreement and start the download. In this example, we would download the Weblogic v12.1.2. The filename in this case is wls_121200.jarDownload weblogic 12.1.3 for mac
Also, note that the generic version does not come with JVM / JDK for its installation. So make sure, you have Java installed on your machine.
Download Weblogic For MacOnce downloaded, note the following steps :
Run the following command to initiate the installer
java -d64 -Dspace.detection=true -Xmx1024m -jar wls_121200.jar
This will start the extraction of the wls_121200.jar and also perform some routine system pre-requisite checks. Note the arguments that we passed. The space.detection parameter is set to true to detect available space. Also, the max memory usage size by JVM is set to 1024m i.e 1 GB.

In the next screen, you'll see the option to modify or change location of Oracle_Home directory. Leave it to default option if you don't want to modify the location. Click Next.
In the following screen, you have to choose the type of installation. Choose the default option. However, choosing the Complete Installation will also install OPatch and some examples like medrec.

Weblogic Server Download

In next screen, you can see the overall Installation summary. Save the response file if you intend to perform silent installations in the future. Check this link for reference. Click Next.
This will start the installation process. This will take a few minutes. You can observe the overall progress here.
Download Weblogic For Mac

Once the installation is completed, you'll see the following screen. Click Finish. This will initiate the next step - Configuration Wizard.
Below is the welcome screen of the Wizard.
Following is the first screen of the Configuration Wizard. Here you can set the Weblogic Administrator account and define the Parent domain location. Click Next.

Download Weblogic 12.1.3

In next screen, you'll see the progress of the domain creation.
Now, in the next and final screen, you'll see the Configuration success scene. Here you can check the option to start domain. Leave it unchecked, so that we can start it manually. Click Finish. That's pretty much a plain vanilla installation of Oracle Weblogic server 12c on Mac OSX machines.

Weblogic Document

In my next post, I'll cover how to start and stop Weblogic 12c and any associated issues related to it.